martes, 18 de febrero de 2014
viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014
The new album 'Empire Of The Undead' - OUT March 28th 2014!
It's more or less done, the wait is over. Finally, the 11th studio album from GAMMA RAY "Empire Of The Undead" is almost done and ready to go.
"Empire Of The Undead" the fast metal song in the typical GAMMA RAY style that has influenced so many bands around the world, has appeared on the single / EP "Master Of Confusion" an appetizer the band released in 2013, just before touring the world non-stop with "relatives" Helloween.
GAMMA RAY worked on the new album during various sessions in 2013, during and in between their perennial tour with Eike Freese at the mixing desk supporting the ever precious work of bass player and co-writer Dirk Schlaechter.
It was just after landing in South America, that a unbelievable news reached Kai Hansen & co.: Hammer Studio, their home, rehearsal place, studio and meeting point for many metal bands in Germany had been blown away by a terrifying fire-stroke, together with instruments, amps, tapes... Back in their hometurf the band needed to get an overview about their losses only to do what they do best -- move on! With that usual Kai Hansen smirk look...
Life is too good to stop and moan.
Nearly everything was destroyed, except the tapes of the almost finished new studio album.
"If this could not stop us... nothing ever will" -- joked Kai Hansen - who also added. "
"We got rid of a lot of shit that we gathered there. Unfortunately a lot of good equipment as well. Anyhow, we look into the future and we saved the production and we can continue now in this new place. By mid January we should be done with the work on this album and it's up to the record company to release it -- sometime in March.
Gamma Ray,
Power Metal
lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014
European Tour 2014, Sepultura, Legion of The Damned, Flotsam and Jetsam, Mortillery
Vamos, pues, este concierto se va a celebrar el póximo Lunes en el Markthalle, Sepultura, la banda emblemática del Thrash Metal Carioca, regresa para promocionar su nuevo disco, intitulado " The Mediator Between Head and Hands Must Be the Heart" , el cual tiene un sonido un poco más duro que su predecesor, "Kairos", editado en el 2011, aunque a jucuio personal, sigue sin estar al nivel que uno sigue deseando de esta banda. El setlist, está plagado de rolas de su nuevo disco y algunos clásicos. Sepultura sobre el escenario siempre es garantía y nunca decepciona.
Para abrir, están los Holandeses de Legion of The Damned, si bien es una banda que no ha tenido mucho éxito, no por eso son menos buenos, su Thrash/Death Metal, es brutal, todo el tiempo, creo que deberían tener un mejor lugar entre las bandas de su género, son de lo mejor que se puede encontrar, igualmente, promocionan su más reciente disco, llamado "Ravenous Plague", que a mi criterio, está demoledor, la banda también, promete un set list de clásicos y varias piezas de su nueva grabación. Será una delicia verlos, banda que jamás he podido apreciar sobre el escenario.
Poco antes, tocarán los Tejanos de Flotsam and Jetsam, que para mi gusto, tan solo por verlos a ellos, vale el boleto, banda en la que militó Jason Newsted, Ex-Bajista de Métallica, y que en su tiempo, grabaron una obra maestra del Thrash Metal, llamado "Doomsday for The Deceiver", su disco debut y que nunca lograron superar, pero no por esto tienen mal material, si bien el último disco que grabaron, el "Ugly Noise" no es tan bueno como su predecesor "The Cold", que es un discazo, tiene buenos cortes y lo que presentan en vivo es de lo mejor. A esta banda la he esperado años por ver.
Y abriendo la velada, estarán Mortillery, una banda de Thrash Metal Canadiense de muy buena manufactura.
Entonces ya está... vamos a mover la mata !!!
Flotsam & Jetsam,
Legion of The Damned,
Thrash Metal
miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014
Happy Metal New Year
Hi everybody.
A new year begins, new proyects and new wishes are made, since too many time ago i dont write anything here, simply i lost the inspiration, or the desire to go further with this.... its not a project, simply a hobby i had, but, because of time, or lack of ideas, i didnt do anything else... but, one of my new years purpose, its go back with this blog, because i like to write about Musik, about Rock and Metal, a passion i had, since i was almost a Kid.
I decided to take this hobby again, becaue some peple, or followers from the blog, asked me sometimes, "Hey, why you dont write more in your blog? You dont do your reviews any longer".. and things like that, its very pleasefull to see when some of you writme in my FB, send me a Friendsrequest and told me "I saw your blog, could you add me?" or "Hey, i am fan of your publications and i want to be your friend". Its something nice. Some of you send me constantly your Demos or Videos of your bands asking me to listen to it and give them my opinion, or help them to distribuite it, or simply make a post about those bands, i almost never did it, but thanks, i will do it this year, i promise it.
And too because i knew some Metalheads, who told me that they read my Wacken review (i only made one, in 2010, then i never did it again) and they decided to go Wacken because i inspired them to do it, because the way i wrote about it, and its nice too when i found some of them there in Wacken (in 2012 and 2013 i knew some people there) and they ask me if i can take me a foto with them... hehehe... Thats pretty cool, i have to admit it. For those and other reasons, i am going back to this "Holy Hell", and... i have some new ideas, some people asked me to make videos, but its not my style, to make a video of me and publish it... it s not a good idea, i dont have that kind of charisma, i like to write.. its better.
Ok pals... i wish you a nice 2014. and keep in touch, i will bring you what its happening in this side of the Ocean.... and Keep Rocking..
Cheers !!
Sorry about the language, but i decided to write principally in English, no matter if i am not good on it.... hahaha
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